"DTU to be a leading World Class Technology University playing its role as a key node in National and Global Knowledge Network thus empowering India with the Wings of Knowledge and Power of Innovations."
To meet its vision the DTU shall be fully networked with industry, on one hand and the academic/scientific community on the other. DCE as DTU shall enter into partnerships with leading Universities and industries in India and abroad. This shall take the form of sponsored chairs by industry, adjunct faculty from world class Universities and from reputed R&D organizations, product oriented R&D and technology incubation, continuing education programmes, providing a platform for industry to conduct product training and internship for students, industrial attachment for faculty, and sabbatical in industry and so on. Similar linkages need to be developed with established centers of scientific & technological research in India.
The selected bodies or individuals shall be those who either have specialized domain technological knowledge that this University can partner with, or can be partner in development of technology and product innovation. Visiting / adjunct faculty positions, joint research projects, joint technology development programs, renowned scholars spending their sabbaticals at DTU and industry experts joining the team DTU for education and research initiatives shall make it happen. The University shall emulate the best practices in governance and management for effective administration, management of resources, and faculty, staff and student services.
Academic Facilities
Educational Tour
Industrial Tour
Guest Lectures
Research Development
Faculty Development programe
Life skills development program
Hi-tech Computer Lab
Book Bank facility
Hi-Tech Labs
Non-Academic Facilities
Visitors Lounge
Motivational Camps
Annual Meet
Cultural Activities
Online Information
Other Facilities
Wi fi Campus
Health Center
Transport Facility
ATM facility
Tuck Shops
Bank Facility
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Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities
3 Years
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics
3 Years
Bachelor of Techonology in Electronics and Communication Engineering