"Shri Baba Mast Nath Math, Asthal Bohar is the oldest and most popular place of Nath Sect belonging to kanphada Yogis. This is the main Tapasthali (Place of Worship) of Nath Yogi and is situated 5 Kms away from Rohtak city and 1 KM away from M.D. University Campus on Delhi-Rohtak National Highway No. 10. The Math has been the centre and live-wire of ancient civilization and has been doing Yeo-man services for the benefit of mankind. Shri Baba Mast Nath Ji rejuvenated the Math Ashtal Bohar in 18th Centuary. His able pupils have been rightfully performing the duties and responsibilities of a Mahent. Late Mahent Shreo Nath Yogi (Ex-Health Minister for Haryana Govt.) the most able and active in series of pupils had raised many institutions in the sweet memory of his Guru Baba Mast Nath Ji, so has done his immediate follower and present incumbent to the Gaddi, Mahent Chand Nath Yogi.
For smooth running of these institutions Late Mahent Shreo Nath Ji Yogi also formed a registered trust under the Societies Act namely Shri Baba Mastnath Ayurved Sanskrit Shikshan Sansthan Trust. In the last 50 years this Trust has established and is efficiently running the institutions without an outside aid(Govt./Non Govt.). Continuing on the custom of propagating power through knowledge the minority community has kindled the effort by inducting Spiritual, Yogic, Ayurvedic, Sanskrit, TechnoManagement, Medical and Paramedical Education through various programes under the auspices of Baba Mast Nath University."