"Navsari Agricultural University of erstwhile Gujarat Agricultural University has been bestowed with the status of a full-fledged independent State Agricultural University with effect from May 1, 2004. Navsari Agricultural University is imparting agricultural education up to Ph.D. level in all the established faculties of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Veterinary to develop quality agricultural professional manpower, NAU also imparts vocational education and training through Diploma / Certificate courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Livestock Inspection, Bakery, Landscaping & Gardening and Fisheries through Agricultural Polytechnics and Agri-Clinics for Horticulture and Agricultural Schools, LITC, Bakery, Gardner and Fisheries training centers respectively.
Navsari Agricultural University undertakes fundamental, applied and verification research in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, agricultural engineering and animal sciences through respective faculties, two zonal research stations, three main crop based research stations, three regional research stations and six satellite research stations.
NAU has a strong extension network of krushi vigyan kendras for transfer of technologies to farmers and agri-entrepreneurs. NAU has initiated single-window-delivery system through Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC). "