Bangalore International School
Hennur Bagalur Road, Kothanur Post, Geddalahalli, Bangalore , Karnataka
80284758720, 8028445852
- Established in
- Short Form
- School TypeICSE schools
- Affiliated toICSE,IB,IGCSE ,
In the 60s and 70s, there were many American families living in the city, but the local schools did not offer a North American model of instruction. The idea of sending their children to a boarding school did not appeal to Eloise R. Bennett and her family (the founders of BIS ). They decided to open their own school in a garage on Millers Road which came to be known as the American Community School and later as Bangalore International School. Today, Bangalore International School is an institution where global education is seamlessly integrated with positive social values, coupled with creative freedom that equips every student with necessary life skills. At BIS we constantly endeavour to nurture students to become responsible citizens and the school's inclusive environment ensures that every learner is offered an exposure that goes beyond text books.
Academic Facilities
Educational Tour
Digital Classes
Fee Refund Policy
Guest Lectures
Faculty Development programe
Management Q sts
Life skills development program
Weekly/monthly wrk
Library Resources
Hi-tech Computer Lab
Hi-Tech Labs
Quiz contest
Mnemonics Classes
Non-Academic Facilities
Visitors Lounge
Motivational Camps
Annual Meet
International Tour
Special Music Classes
Horse Riding
Mind Development Sessions
Indoor Activities
Cultural Activities
Online Information
Other Facilities
Water Purifier
Wi fi Campus
Day Boarding
AC Classrooms
Power Back
Focus on Spirituality
Tuck Shops
Canteen Provision
Art & Craft Classes