M.Sc. (Spices & Plantation Crops)Master of Science in Spices & Plantation Crops
The Master of Science (Spices & Plantation Crops) is a Post Graduate Degree Course. The General Educational Eligibility for entering this course is Bachelor Degree in the relevant Branch of Biological Sciences / Life Sciences / Biology. The Course is offered with a Minimum Duration of 2 Years (04 Semester). This Course involves Advanced Scientific Study & Research Activity about the Principles, Techniques & Practices involved in the Development of Crops which are cultivated in Large Contiguous Area especially Spices, Plant Biotechnology, Environmental Genetics, Population Genetics, Biophysics, Applied Palynology, Plant Tissue Culture, Phyto-chemicals, Plant Cell Culture Technology, Molecular Genetics, Biotechnology for Crop Improvement, Microbial Genetics, Genomics in Plant Breeding, Plant Genetic Resources, Gene Regulation, Ecology, Ecosystems, Molecular Biology, Plant Bio-resources, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Techniques in Cell Biology, Cytology, Molecular Genetics, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Breeding, Cyto-genetics, Genetic Engineering, Computer Applications, etc. with variability of the Institution offering the Course.