Course Detail

Ph.D. (Aeronautical Engineering)Doctor of Philosophy in Aeronautical Engineering

The Doctor of Philosophy (Aeronautical Engineering) is a Doctorate Degree Course. The General Educational Eligibility for entering this course is Master Degree in the relevant Branch of Engineering/Technology. The Course is offered in Full Time & Part Time Mode with a Minimum Duration of 3 Years (06 Semester). The Tenure of the Course comprises of Course Work (Theoretical) for 06 Months & the Research Activity thereafter. During the Course work, the Advanced  Engineering study about the Designing of an Aircraft, it’s Operation & Maintence, Aircraft Parts, their Structure, Design, Assembly, Components used in Aircraft, Flight Dynamics, Applied Aerodynamics, Avionics, Navigation Systems & Propulsion techniques essential for Aircraft operation is offered. The Research Activity include Design & Analysis of Aircraft Operation on the Basis of Aircraft Production Technologies, Structure Analysis, Aircraft Performance, Aircraft Drawing, Aircraft Additive Manufacturing, Aircraft Materials etc. with variability of the Institution offering the Course.