M.Phil. (Analytical Chemistry)Master of Philosophy in Analytical Chemistry
The Master of Philosophy (Analytical Chemistry) is a Post Graduate Degree Course with a Minimum Duration of 01 Years (02 Semester) for Full Time Mode. The General Educational Eligibility for entering this course is Master Degree in the relevant Branch of Applied Science / Analytical Chemistry / Applied Chemistry. The Tenure of the Course comprises of Course Work (Theoretical) for 01 Semesters & the Research Activity thereafter. The Advanced Scientific study about the Research Methodologies in the field of Principles, Procedures & Practices, associated with the Identification, Qualitative & Quantative Determination of the Chemical Constituents Present within a Substance, is offered. The Research Activity includes the Advancements in Analytical Processes, Volumetric Analysis Methods, Chromatography Techniques, Quantative Organic Analysis, Instrumental Analysis, Food Analysis Techniques, Analytical Spectrometry, Potentiometry, Polarography, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Electrophoresis Techniques, Organic Trace Analysis, Advanced Spectral Analysis, etc. with variability of the Institution offering the Course.