Course Detail

Ph.D. (BiostatisticsDoctor of Philosophy in Biostatistics

The Doctor of Philosophy (Biostatistics) is a Doctorate Degree Course. The General Educational Eligibility for entering this course is Master Degree in the relevant Branch of Statistical Sciences / Biological Sciences / Biotechnology / Biostatistics. The Course is offered with a Minimum Duration of 3 Years (06 Semester). The Tenure of the Course comprises of Course Work (Theoretical) for 06/12 Months & the Research Activity thereafter. During the Course work, the Advanced Scientific Study about the Principles, Procedures & Practices about the Statistical Processes & Methods applied for Collection, Analysis & Interpretation of Biological Data related to Life and Living Organisms is offered. The Research Activity includes the Advancements in Regression Techniques, Statistical Estimation, Descriptive Statistics, Sample Survey Methods, Computer Programming, Statistical Data Analysis Techniques, Stochastic Modeling, Time Series Analysis, Multivariate Statistical Methods, Statistical Computing, Survival Analysis, Computational Biology, Computer Applications, etc. with variability of the Institution offering the Course.