The idea of starting a college in this place, although cherished in the mind of many educated and well-placed persons of the area for a long time, was given a definite shape during 1957. Early in 1958 a public meeting attended by most of the M.L.A.s., M.P.s and leading persons of the area was held under the Presidentship of the then Union Minister Sri Nityananda Kanungo, where a committee was formed to collect funds and organise for the opening of a college. Dr. P. Parija, the then Vice-Chancellor of Utkal University and Sri Sripati Nanda, I.P.S. (Retd.) were elected as President and Secretary of the committee respectively. In another meeting in December, 1958, the present site, where the college stands today, was selected for the purpose and in a ubsequent meeting in 1959, the Secretary was authorised to acquire this area of about 37 acres by way of registered sale or gift-deeds. In a meeting held in January, 1962 at Dr. Parija?s residence at Cuttack, it was unanimously resolved to request Sri Biren Mitra, the then Deputy Chief Minister of the state and an inhabitant of this area, to act as President of the College Committee, to empower him to nominate other members of the committee. The Governing Body was thus constituted and worked under his direction. The Governing Body has since been reconstituted as per the statutory provision of Utkal University Statutes and Govt. of Orissa in the Department name of Higher Education.