Sri Kongadiyappa College
Post Box No. 17, Doddaballapur, Bangalore Rural, Karnataka
2147483647, 2147483647, 0, 2147483647
- Approved by
- Affiliated toBangalore University
It is a tradition to have an educational institute named after the people who donated huge amounts of money. It is very rare to have an educational institute in the name of a very poor primary teacher. It is the greatness of Doddaballapura people not just honors Sri. Kondadiyappa by opening an institute in his name and also serve in the institution. Sri.Kongadiyappa was born in the year 1861 and was the eldest among his four brothers. Due to financial poblems Sri. Kongadiyappa discontinued his education but his aim was to provide good education for his brothers. Sri Kongadiyappa is a model teacher to all teachers. Upon his request many rich people donated huge amounts of money for poor students because of his selfless nature towards social work. He was awarded "Lokasevanirata" by the Maharaja of Mysore. His Highness Krishnaraj Wodeyar for his selfless lifetime work. He has contributed his service in the field of education, social, environmental etc. Now Doddaballapura town has became one of the best education provider for students who are in need of education.
Academic Facilities
Educational Tour
Digital Classes
Seats Reservation
Guest Lectures
Life skills development program
Library Resources
Hi-tech Computer Lab
Hi-Tech Labs
Language Lab
Faculty Development programe
Non-Academic Facilities
Visitors Lounge
Motivational Camps
Annual Meet
Accident Risk Coverage
Cultural Activities
Online Information
Other Facilities
Water Purifier
Yearly Planned Schedule
Tuck Shops
Canteen Provision
Bank Facility
Home theatre facility
Power Back
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