Sir C R R College for Women
Vatluru Post, Eluru, West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh
2147483647, 2147483647, 0, 0
- Approved by AICTE
- Affiliated to
Eluru, the district head quarters of West Godavari District is known for its historical background and as a center for Educational institutions. Two decades ago opportunities for women to pursue higher education, beyond SSC were far from reality. The management of the parent institution, Sir C R Reddy College which has been in existence for the last six decades felt a dire need for a college exclusively for women congenial to the students. The inception of Sir C R Reddy College for women made wide open the opportunities of girl students in and around Eluru. The college was initiated with the vision and mission of imparting knowledge to women and providing an opportunity to them for pursuing higher education. Since then by the determined efforts and support of the management, encouragement and guidance of several philanthropists and complete involvement and hard work of the faculty the college has carved a niche for itself in the field of education. We are ever grateful to those who were behind and responsible for the phenomenal growth, development and expansion of this institution. Responding to the changing needs of the present day, the basic disciplines were multiplied into a range of subjects. The courses and programs are being re-organized, preparing and training the students to face the modern societal challenges so that they can complete with vigour and confidence when they walk out of the college. The College has been offering major groups both in Arts and Science with important combinations. Courses offered in our college at Intermediate level are M.P.C, Bi.P.C & C.E.C. At degree level 9 combinations are offered in B.S.C. At P.G. level M C A, M B A, M Sc Organic, Analytical, Boi-Chemistry, Micro-Biology at the P G level, nine- different combinations at the degree level and 3 at the intermediate level. In total 2321 students are pursuing various courses here. There are about 19,500 books, 100 periodicals and 700 C D ROMS. The labs are fully equipped. There are about 250 computers with internet facility. The hostel is located within the campus and so the students can make the best use of their labs & library.We have 75 well qualified Teaching staff and 45 hard working non-Teaching and Technical staff.
Academic Facilities
Educational Tour
Digital Classes
Seats Reservation
Guest Lectures
Life skills development program
Library Resources
Hi-tech Computer Lab
Hi-Tech Labs
Language Lab
Faculty Development programe
Non-Academic Facilities
Visitors Lounge
Motivational Camps
Annual Meet
Accident Risk Coverage
Cultural Activities
Online Information
Other Facilities
Water Purifier
Yearly Planned Schedule
Tuck Shops
Canteen Provision
Bank Facility
Home theatre facility
Power Back
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