Shadan College of Engineering & Technology is one of the premier Engineering College Founded in 1995 by Shadan Educational society. The institution, ever since its foundation is in the constant pursuit of keeping high the self imposed standards of excellence. QUALITY, MODERNITY AND HIGH DEGREE OF SCIENTIFIC TEMPERAMENT pervade every facet of the institution, be it technical education, laboratories or infrastructure facilities. The campus is the abode of discipline, harmony and intellectual pursuit and abuzz with intense academic activity The College offers 6 Under Graduate (B.Tech) courses in CSE, ECE, EEE, MECH, Civil and IT branches. The College also offers 7 Post Graduate (M.Tech) Programme in C.S.E, C.S., C.N., CN & IS, V.L.S.I, Embedded Systems, CAD/CAM and M.B.A. with a total intake of 792.