SGM (Sham-e-Ghausia Minority) Ayurvedic and Unani Medical College and Hospital
Saheri, Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh
2147483647, 2147483647, 0, 2147483647
- Established in1944
- Approved by
- Affiliated toChhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University
It is a matter of great pleasure and satisfaction that the Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi has permitted us 40 seats for B.A.M.S. {Ayurvedacharya} course academic session in continuation with 2001-02 for seats permitted for B.U.M.S. Unani Course academic session in continuation with 2000-01 for 30 seats permitted and after continued 40 seats permitted for B.A.M.S.{Ayurvedacharya} and 40 seats each for 2001-02 there after 40 seats continued from 2002-03 onwards. U.P. Samaj Muslim Education Development Welfare Seva Samiti, Saheri, Ghazipur is a registered Minority Society Registered act 21 of 1860 and declared by minority commission, U.P.through it's former chairman hon'ble Tahir Ashraf sb. The S.G.M. (Sham-E-Ghausia Minority) Ayurvedic & Unani Medical Collsge & Hospital was established in 1994 by Dr. Mohd. Azam Quadri, founder & Managing Director. U.P. Samaj Muslim Education Development Welfare Seva Samiti,Saheri, Ghazipur. The main objective of the Society is to promote the health awareness and care by Ayurvedic & Unani system of Medicine, Because these are the ancient systems of medicine which are cheaper & more effective in comprasion to the western system of medicine. The S.G.M. Ayurvedic & Unani Medical College & and Hospital impart Bachelor Degree Courses have already been recognized by the Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi(C.C.I.M) and affiliated with chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur with recognition of Govt. of U.P. The Indian system of medicine like Ayurveda was primarily originated in Ghazipur. In our ancient historical Knowledge the birth placeof Bhagwan Vishwamitra was located in Ghazipur City as named as Cheetnath Ghat. The orgin of Ayurveda like Indian system of Medicine is Concerned with Swami Vishwamitra and his colleague Bhagwan Shushrutta/ therefore, our Prime object of foundation and organization of Ayurvedic and Unani Medical Sience teaching and training unit based on this ancient history. To put this object in practice the society has initiated plans to establish an Ayurvedic and Unani Medical College & Hospital, at Saheri, Ghazipur in the Eastern part of the U.P. which is most Peaseful area. In consonance with the objective, S.G.M. Ayurvedic and Unani Medical College & Hospital was established in 1994 at Nandganj, Ghazipur. Later on the college was shifted and established in owdn building at Saheri, Distt Ghazipur City. The college is functioning in the magnificent building, which is located in very nature, beautiful, posh and peaceful area. It has a very easy approach. The College has its own seperate building for college, hospital and hostels. To provide the proper treatment, there is a hospotal of 100 beds in Ayurved and 120 beds in Unani, established with all required facilities to proper care of the patients. As well as adequate facilities in Modern Medicine have also been made available. There is a proper and sufficient arrangement to accommodate the patient in general wards and Special wards of the hospital. X-ray, E.C.G., Pathology and other concerned test facilities are properly fnctioning there. There is a Harbal garden in the campus of the college having more than 300 Varieties of Medicinal plants.The Medicinal plants grow are cultivated for producing medicine towards fulfilling the specific requirement with demand of outdoor patient. The Hospital provides the service with ambulance also in any emergency situation. The college and hospital are well equippted with Pathology Lab, Anatomy Lab, Pharmaceutical Lab, Rog Nidhan Lab, Dravya Gun Lab, Physiology Lab, Panchkarma Facility, Ilaaj Bit Tadbeer Departments, Moalijat and also seperate clicnic for Unini Matab. These departments are easily available to studies for the students as per norms of C.C.I.M. New Delhi along with well experienced teaching staff. Both Ayurvedic & Unani Medical Colleges have established with 14 departments as per C.C.I.M. Norms cadavers for dissection are available in anatomy dissection hall. The function of college and hospital along with available facility is established by well experienced teaching staff and other non- teaching staff as per the norms of C.C.I.M. New Delhi. The teaching staff of institute has M.D. (Ayurvedacharya) qualified from B.H.U., Calcutta University etc. The teaching staff of B.U.M.S. (Unani)has also well qualified as per C.C.I.M. The college library has more then 7000 books, generals, magazines and also wide range of references and text book to fulfill the need of students. The Library is well furnished. there is also a seperate building for practical training of the students and manufacturing the specific medicines of Unani & Ayurvedic treatments. The financial needs of the college are met out by the society. I assure on the behalf of the society that we will give full cooperation to students from time to time and class room to hostel as well as for all staff.
Academic Facilities
Educational Tour
Digital Classes
Seats Reservation
Campus Placements
Guest Lectures
Research Development
Guidance Cell
Management Q sts
Individual Attention
Weekly Workshops
Library Resources
Hi-Tech Labs
Life skills development program
Non-Academic Facilities
Visitors Lounge
Motivational Camps
Annual Meet
Cultural Activities
Online Information
Other Facilities
Water Purifier
Wi fi Campus
Health Center
Canteen Provision
AC Classrooms
Tuck Shops
Power Back
ATM facility
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Medical | Duration | |
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery | 5 Years | |
Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery | 3 Years | |
Doctor of Medicine in Ayurveda | 2 Years |