Rajeswari College of Arts and Science for Women
Vanur Taluk, Bommaya Palayam, Viluppuram, Tamil Nadu
2147483647, 2147483647, 0, 0
- Established in2007
- Approved by
- Affiliated toThiruvalluvar University
The renowned ancestors of Bommapura Adheenam are always known for their patronage. Their lineage knew well that educating women with equal opportunity is the best way of establishment of equality in the society. Rajeswari College of Arts and Science for Women is administrated by Kumaraswamy Educational Trust. With the grace of Lord Muruga, and with the blessing of 19th Srila Sri Siva Gnana Balaya Swamigal that makes this elegant, spacious, and well structured building feasible. His Holiness Srila Sri Sivagnana Balaya Swamigal Avl. Adinakarthar of Mailam Bommabura Adinam(The Secretary of Srimath Siva Gnana Balaya Swamigal College of Tamil, Arts and Science and Siddhar Sivagnani College of Arts and Science for Men), has been a constant support for the progress of our institution. The College functions in its own campus of 10.08 acres in a two-storeyed building. The founding of the College has been sanctioned by the Government of Tamil Nadu in G.O., M.S. No.222, Higher Education (EI) Department, Dt. 09-07-2007 and Affiliated to Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore Vide No. TU/R/Affln./New A&S College/2007-2008/A663. The College was started with five courses B.A.,(Eng.Lit),B.Sc.,(Comp.Sc.),B.C.A,B.com.,and B.B.A., and 124 Students on Aug 2007. Now nearly 650 students are studying. The Motto of our College is to empower women's education in and around rural areas and the near by places. Conquest is meaningful when fetched by good Conduct and the reverberations of Conscience. Our college aims not ony in illuminating the minds but also to refine young women's mind with Good Principles, Obedience and Moral Values.
Academic Facilities
Educational Tour
Digital Classes
Seats Reservation
Fee Refund Policy
Guest Lectures
Management Q sts
Library Resources
Hi-tech Computer Lab
Hi-Tech Labs
Language Lab
Non-Academic Facilities
Visitors Lounge
Motivational Camps
Annual Meet
Cultural Activities
Online Information
Other Facilities
Water Purifier
Health Center
Emergency Alarm
Yearly Planned Schedule
Power Back
Focus on Spirituality
Tuck Shops
Canteen Provision
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