P.R.Patil College of Engineering and technology Amravati, is a foremost name in higher Education in Maharashtra. Since its inception, the trust has been successfully conducting undegraduate and post graduate courses in emerging areas. By the blessings of Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj, we aim at developing a pursuit of knowledge in students, commitment to economic, social & cultural uplifting of masses. The Institute highly beleives in nurturing ethics and moral values in students. We realise that education is the basis for the complete development of individual and for this purpose we have dedicated teaching staff, sophisticated equipments, state-of-art auditorium, laborotories, classrooms and well stocked library. Our constant endeavour is to provide gamut of opportunities for our students to make them practical engineers, top class managers and also good citizens. We are confident enough that our dream to create a new generation which will be responsible for the progress and development of nation with high standard of morality and ethics, innovation and creativity will be realised within few years.