PET has started in the year 2003 at Pune for uplifing the knowledge and spirits of the students around the country. It has an independent building located at Handewadi near NIBM/ Hadapsar, just 7-8 kms. from prime locations of Pune like Swargate, Camp & M.G. Road. And for a hassle free reach to the institute we provide the transport facilty from certain prime locations of Pune in scheduled intervals. The institute premise is aesthetically designed to suid the learning environment in the vicinity of demographically lush green area. It is accessible by public and private transport. It consists of well lit and airy class rooms, modern computer labs, and enriched library, with varied management, IT books and journals, CDs etc. Reading hall, seminar hall and common room for students to spare their leisure with carom and chess like indoor games and a separate administrative block etc.The campus is provided with cafeteria facility, cultural activity hall, and big open terrace with open seating arrangement within campus. Apart from the campus, we have our main-administrative office of 1500 sq.ft. located in the heart of the city, apposite to Fergusson College.