NUSI Maritime Academy
Sucldem, South Goa, Goa
2147483647, 2147483647
- Established in1983
- Approved by
- Affiliated to
The National Union of Seafarers of India (NUSI) is the leading Seafarers Union in the country. The NUSI in co-operation with the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) set up a Welfare Trust called NUSI/ ITF Trust for Indian Seafarers and their families. The NUSI Maritime Academy was conceived at a time when Indian shipping was beleaguered with the problems of shortage of men, rapidly rising age profile of the manpower and non-induction of fresh blood. Further, with the closing down of all the three ratings training establishments by the government, the source for inflow of men was totally dried up as there was no ratings training institution in India after 1983. The NUSI/ ITF Trust recognising the fact that training of seafarers was totally non-existent in India, decided to set up the NUSI Maritime Academy in 1993, with the objective of: a) Training candidates for a career in the Merchant Navy with appropriate skills, knowledge and attitude. b) Enhancing the knowledge, skills and attitude of the existing seafarers. c) Developing and encouraging a spirit of mutual learning between the trainees and the trainers so as to keep all parties abreast of the latest technological advancements as well as other developments in the fast changing world of shipping. The initiative and lead for setting up of a ratings training institution was taken up by National Union of Seafarers of India (NUSI) and its proposed project was duly approved by the Committee on Maritime Education and Training (COMET) which was-set up by the government. The COMET was headed by Dr. C.P. Srivastava, Secretary-General Emeritus, International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
Academic Facilities
Non-Academic Facilities
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