The Kohima Science College, Jotsoma, is an acclaimed institute for Undergraduate science education in the State of Nagaland. The college is recognized under Section 2(f) and 12(b) of U.G.C. Acts, 1956. Set up in 1961, it has been engaged in fostering the spirit of inquiry and nurturing a knowledge ecology that strengthens the knowledge base of the students to propel them to higher studies and other technical arenas. In this globalized world where we are witnessing the integration of global systems, human and knowledge resources, and technological tools, we at Kohima Science College realize that ignoring these signposts would make us irrelevant. Therefore, we aspire to engage in improving the standards of science education in the State and generate knowledge that is value-based. Kohima Science College has been successively affiliated to Guwahati University, North-Eastern Hill University and Nagaland Central University