College Detail

Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar_cover

Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar

Sachivalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar, Orissa

2147483647, 2147483647, 0, 0

  • Established in1972
  • Approved by UGC
  • Affiliated toUtkal University

The Institute Of Physics, Bhubaneswar is an autonomous research institution funded jointly by the Department Of Atomic Energy (DAE) and the Government of Odisha. The Institute was officially established in 1972 by the Government of Orissa, and registered in 1972 as a registered society under societies Registration Act 1860. The Institute started functioning under the directorship of Prof. T. Pradhan on September 4, 1974 in two rented rooms of the Utkal University Guest House. After a few months, the Institute moved to a rented house in Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, where its academic activities got started in January 1975 with two faculty besides the then Director, Prof. T. Pradhan. From 1974 to 1981, the Institute functioned in rented buildings and moved to its present campus in 1981. On March 25,1985, the Institute was taken up by the Department of Atomic Energy. The management of affairs of the Institute is vested in a Governing Council consisting of an eminent Scientist nominated as its Chairman, the Director of the Institute and members nominated by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and the Government of Orissa. The Registrar of the Institute functions as its Secretary. The Institute receives major part of its financial support from the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, and a token support from the Government of Orissa. The Institute also receives funds from other government agencies (like CSIR and U.G.C) to finance specific research projects. Pre-Doctoral Programme The predoctoral programme is aimed at imparting a broad based education in advanced physics and reserach methodology. It is also planned that it will help a student not only in his/her doctoral reserach, but also enable him/her to become a good physics teacher irrespective of whether or not he/she takes up doctoral reserach. Students are selected for admission to the Pre-doctoral programme on the basis of performance in both the written JEST and oral test. The written test is common entrance test JEST for many Institutes in India.The students for the oral test are selected from the performance in JEST.The course runs from August to June every year leading to a Diploma in Advanced Physics awarded by the Institute. Doctoral Programme On completion of the Pre-doctoral programme the students are eligible to join for research under the supervisoin of faculty members of the Institute leading to the Ph.D. degree awarded by one of the three universities in Orissa. In order to encourage local college and university teachers, including the Institute alumni to carry out research work, the Institute supports a short-term visitors programme during summerand other vacation periods. All vistors are provided with financial support in terms of travelling as well as daily allowances.

Academic Facilities

  • Educational Tour

  • Digital Classes

  • Scholarships

  • Seats Reservation

  • Guest Lectures

  • Life skills development program

  • Library Resources

  • Hi-tech Computer Lab

  • Hi-Tech Labs

  • Language Lab

  • Faculty Development programe

Non-Academic Facilities

  • Sports

  • Visitors Lounge

  • Auditorium

  • Motivational Camps

  • Annual Meet

  • Security

  • Accident Risk Coverage

  • Cultural Activities

  • Online Information

Other Facilities

  • Water Purifier

  • Playground

  • Co-education

  • Yearly Planned Schedule

  • Tuck Shops

  • Canteen Provision

  • Bank Facility

  • Home theatre facility

  • Power Back

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