Guru Gobind Singh College of Nursing
Sardulgarh Road, Bathinda, Punjab
9914300862, 9914300396
- Established in2008
- Approved by
- Affiliated toBaba Farid University of Health Science
GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE OF NURSING has excelled in the field of Nursing Education. Since its establishment in the year 2008. The management is taking pains to impart Education in English to the students free of cost, which is helpful to the students in clearing IELTS examination & thereby going abroad. Whenever thoughts ponder over noblest professions in the world service above self & contributed mankind I looked "Nursing" always reckons above others. There is always scarcity of such people who are dedicatedly catering to mankind & placing other before self. Therefore nursing is considered & regarded as respectful by one & all. Population is growing at alarming levels across the globe & this causes a great pressure & imbalance on the health services & the manpower catering to mankind. This obviously increases the demand of persons selflessly serving the society. We are completely dependent upon good trained medical staff of which nurses constitute the largest part. Thus, without well-trained, self managed nursing staff we cannot imagine delivery of high quality health services.
Academic Facilities
Educational Tour
Digital Classes
Seats Reservation
Industrial Tour
Guest Lectures
Research Development
Faculty Development programe
Library Resources
Hi-tech Computer Lab
Hi-Tech Labs
Non-Academic Facilities
Visitors Lounge
Annual Meet
Other Facilities
Water Purifier
Health Center
Emergency Alarm
Canteen Provision
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Medical | Duration | |
Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery | 3 Years 6 Months | |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing | 4 Years |