Dr MC Saxena College of Engineering and Technology
#171, Barawan Kala, Mall Jehte Road Handvi Sitapur Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
2147483647, 0, 0, 2147483647
- Established in2004
- Approved by AICTE
- Affiliated to
Every person has certain inalienable rights and freedom to choose an option to shape a career that would develop his/her life with a quality to make a difference. We at MCSCET are available to help you build an Engineering Career beyond what you possibly may not have thought of or may not keep you in a state of readiness with emerging technologies. At the threshold of a professional engineering career, one has a fruitful life span of five decades or so. The rewards may be astonishing for a right and prospective engineer but requires an intelligent grooming where the curriculum and extra curriculum activities matter a lot to face the challenging technological world. MCSCET is committed to teach you all those skills that may not be the part of the curriculum but are essential to learn to do the job in leading companies of the world with distinction and acclaim. MCSCET is all set to transform your child with requisite engineering skills in a healthy and serene environment with individual attention.
Academic Facilities
International Admissions
Digital Classes
Seats Reservation
Industrial Tour
Campus Placements
Management Q sts
Weekly Workshops
Hi-tech Computer Lab
Book Bank facility
Hi-Tech Labs
Robotics Lab
NRI Management Quota
Online Admission
Non-Academic Facilities
Visitors Lounge
Motivational Camps
Annual Meet
International Tour
Cultural Activities
Online Information
Other Facilities
Water Purifier
Wi fi Campus
Health Center
AC Classrooms
Power Back
ATM facility
Tuck Shops
Canteen Provision
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