College Detail

Asian School of Business Management_cover

Asian School of Business Management

Shiksha Vihar, Bhola Chhak, Baranga- Khurda Road Road, P.O. Chandaka, Bhubaneswar, Orissa

2147483647, 2147483647, 0, 0

  • Established in2006
  • Short FormASBM
  • Approved by AICTE
  • Affiliated toUtkal University

Vision Asian School of Business Management will set best standards for management education and business leadership. Mission ASBM will shape itself as the school for the New Generation managers to instill in them power of positive thinking, exemplary speed of execution, insatiable desire for new information and knowledge, quest for adventure and a penchant for out of box thinking. The school would crystallize the maturity and experience of its founder professionals in diverse fields, benchmark it with learning from the best b-school practices from around the world and offer through the most modern pedagogic practice, the best b-school education to mould the student managers to take on the challenges of India Inc. ASBM would strive to provide a highly evolved value based education that presents the best precepts and practice of corporate governance, ethical business practices, sensitivity towards realities of the market place and that of a predominantly rural economy of India in order to shape the student managers to become mature business leaders of Asia. WHY ASBM? AICTE Approved & Recognised SAQS International Accreditation NBA National Accreditation MBA Equivalence of AIU ACBSP , USA Candidecy IIM model Pedagogy,open credit system A++ B-School by Business India Excellent Placement Since Inception Member B-School of CAT & XAT International Collaboration with California State University, Sanbarnadino,USA, ST.Cloud State University, USA, Argentine University Track record of excellent placement since inception Excellence in Education Award 2013 by the Competition Success Review Top Institute of India Award by Competition Success Review 19th position in India – Dainik Bhaskar Lakshya B-School Survey 'A+' Rank by 'the pioneer', Oct' 2012 Rated 'Silver A+++' institution in the B-School survey conducted by Just Careers in February 2011 Academic collaborations with St. Cloud State University Minnesota, USA., Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, Argentina, California State University, San Bernardino, USA and North Carolina Central University, USA Top Institute of India' award-2011 by Competition Success Review 19th position in India – Dainik Bhaskar Lakshya B-School Survey, 2011 Rated the highest on Governance parameters along with IIM Ahmadabad in B-school survey conducted by AIMA and published in Indian Management Founded & Led by acclaimed Management Guru Prof. Biswajeet Pattanayak, former Professor of IIM Indore & Lucknow, known for his innovations in teaching and institution building Director's Message The white winged wonders, fragile as they are and yet can soar high into the sky scour the world with their friends for adventure and love and bring back myriad stories to share with their young so that they in turn can set to the sky continuing with the cosmic magic of creation There are tremendous management lessons in a flock of migratory birds for leadership, team work, spirit for adventure, risk taking, traversing unconventional path, winning every time and finally, never missing to head back with amazing precision. Won’t you want to be part of this exciting world of adventure and personal achievement and soar the skies of success? Business at the turn of the millennium has become just that, a truly boundary less quest for adventure with their leaders willing to move to any part of the world, integrate themselves with the region and yet retain their originality and heritage. Asia is playing a pivotal role in determining the shape and direction of the global markets led by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and leading from the front in the global business scenario. In the changed global economic equation, two most powerful Asian economies China and India are vying for a position of global leadership and business supremacy. The new power structures emerging has put India firmly as a global super power and its managers as the global business leaders highly respected for their maturity and their legendry humility reflecting the ageless heritage. Against this backdrop, a team of top practitioners and teachers of management have come together to found a modern residential campus of ASBM at an idyllic locale close to the famed Chandaka life sanctuary in the vicinity of Bhubaneswar, capital of Orissa. ASBM has set up its second residential campus at Hyderabad to further the tradition of excellence achieved at Bhubaneswar. It is situated in a picturesque location nearer to Shamir pet Lake. ASBM is the result of the long held belief I shared with the institute's founders that it is quite possible to shape business schools in the private sector that match and even surpass famed IIMs based on passion and superior planning and commitment to a high order of quality. ASBM would be developed as a model institution benchmarking the best b-schools in the world with a clear focus on holistic personality development and master action-leadership akin to the famed Lagaan movie celebrating team spirit and leadership. The ASBM student managers will have strong conviction, high business values and sensitivity towards changing business environment with an entrepreneurial business outlook. We emphasize learning by experimentation, innovation, speed, right attitude, pragmatism, flexible outlook and continuous learning. Towards the attainment of this mission, we have benchmarked the IIM model of management education on the belief that given the right pedagogy, course curriculum, systems and practices IIMs can be created out of private b-schools. ASBM is a humble step towards this endeavour. We assure contemporary education, the best life and work values and excellent placement. I extend a warm welcome to you to become the part of this grand mission and fulfill your cherished dreams. Prof. Biswajeet Pattanayak Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt, FIMA Infrastructure Lush green sprawling E-Campus with state of the art facilities. Classrooms named after International Management Personalities to foster an ambience of management learning. Fully residential programmes with separate hostels for Boys and Girls with independent internet connection. LAN / WAN connectivity supported with latest IBM server with RAID technology. Air-conditioned central Library named as "Chanakya Knowledge Centre" with more than 20,000 books and 5012 international and national journals (both print and electronic through Proquest, Ebsco and J-Gate). Ray Kroc multi-cuisine Food Court, Nestle Coffee shop and Ice-Cream Parlour for refreshments. Gymnasium, Yoga Centre and Entertainment Zone with Table Tennis and other indoor games for holistic physical, mental and spiritual development of the students. Mother Teresa Health Centre to provide 24 hrs health service with an Ambulance for emergency. Outdoor games like Volley Ball, Badminton etc. Fully air-conditioned Central Auditorium and Mini Auditorium with advanced acoustics and visual equipments. Open air theatre. Partnerships MoU with St. Cloud State University, Minnesota, United States of America MoU with California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB), United States of America MoU with Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE), Buenos Aires, Argentina MoU with North Carolina Central University (NCCU), Durham, NC, United States of America MoU with Gati Limited

Academic Facilities

  • Educational Tour

  • Digital Classes

  • Scholarships

  • Seats Reservation

  • Fee Refund Policy

  • Guest Lectures

  • Management Q sts

  • Library Resources

  • Hi-tech Computer Lab

  • Language Lab

Non-Academic Facilities

  • Sports

  • Visitors Lounge

  • Auditorium

  • Motivational Camps

  • Annual Meet

  • Security

  • Cultural Activities

  • Online Information

Other Facilities

  • Transport

  • Water Purifier

  • Health Center

  • Co-education

  • Emergency Alarm

  • Yearly Planned Schedule

  • Power Back

  • Focus on Spirituality

  • Tuck Shops

  • Canteen Provision

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