Amrita Multimedia Academy
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Clappana, Kollam, Kerala
4762804422, 4762804423
- Established in1995
- Approved by
- Affiliated toUniversity of Kerala
Amrita Multimedia Academy stands at the forefront of visual communication studies in Kerala, India and is founded by renown "Hugging Saint" and Humanitarian Leader Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, known commonly as Amma, who is our inspiration and has embraced over 32 million people from all over the world. The academy's programs are offered at the Amrita Engineering College Campus in Amritapuri along the backwaters adjacent to the Arabian Sea. The serene campus and spiritual ethos that informs varsity culture life here makes the opportunity to pursue a course here a uniquely cherished one. In today's increasingly fast paced modern world, students who attend Amrita University find possibilities to balance the intellect with the heart and use technology, consciously to serve a more harmonious and healthy planet for the coming generations. Students are called to pursue Visual Communication Studies in Kerala, will find here a safe haven from the distractions of everyday life and an environment conducive for creative pursuit, spiritual growth, Self awareness and life-serving expression. We have two 1-year programs in 3D Animation, Gaming and 3D Modeling using MAYA and 3DS Max as well as two certificate programs in Interior Design and Web Development along with four short term classes that are 2-month intensives focusing in Photoshop & Illustrator, AutoCAD, Web Development, and Video Editing & Motion Graphics. Our classes are conducted with small groups, which will catalyze each student's talent to be nurtured and nourished with concentrated attention. Students in the Multimedia Academy work independently in studios and convene regularly with resident faculty to cultivate Self directed discovery with community supported co-learning feedback. The Amrita Multimedia Academy also works with international volunteers from from over 40 countries who visit us through Amrita Center for International Programs which has a number of study abroad dual degree programs and collaborative partnerships with many of the best University programs in the world.
Academic Facilities
Educational Tour
Library Resources
Hi-tech Computer Lab
Hi-Tech Labs
Life skills development program
Guest Lectures
Non-Academic Facilities
Visitors Lounge
Motivational Camps
Cultural Activities
Other Facilities
Water Purifier
Canteen Provision
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