Ambika College of Nursing
Badala Road, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab
1722725220, 7837090006, 9888087905
- Established in2004
- Approved by INC
- Affiliated toBaba Farid University of Health Science
Within a short span of establishment, Ambika College Of Nursing embarked upon its mission of preparing nursing code is to serve the needy. Ambika is synonymous to the star that bestous health, strength, education and immortality. It is a unique conglomesation of eminent scholars from the field of medicine and education who support a high distant vision. Ambika College of nursing is one of the best, well equip pied institute. It is widely recognized for its excellence in the field of nursing. The society is affiliated to B.F.U.H.S and recognized by Indian Nursing Council, government of Punjab and Punjab Nurses and Registration Council.
Academic Facilities
Educational Tour
Digital Classes
Industrial Tour
Guest Lectures
Faculty Development programe
Library Resources
Hi-tech Computer Lab
Hi-Tech Labs
Non-Academic Facilities
Visitors Lounge
Annual Meet
Other Facilities
Water Purifier
Health Center
Emergency Alarm
Emergency Gate
Canteen Provision
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Medical | Duration | |
Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery Nursing | 2 Years | |
Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery | 3 Years 6 Months | |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing | 4 Years | |
Post Basic Bachelor of Science in Nursing | 2 Years | |
Master of Science in Nursing | 2 Years |