Aligarh Institute of Para-Medical Sciences is an autonomous non-profit making body managed by the Executive Body of Aligarh Unani and Ayurvedic Medical College (AUAMC), a reputed Institute founded in 1993 under the auspices of A.I.M. Rehabilitation & Education Society, Registered under Society Registration Act 1860. Aligarh Institute of Para-Medical Sciences is governed by All India Rehabilitation & Educational Society, registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860. Location - Aligarh is situated in the midst of Do-aba, the land between the Ganga and Yamuna Rivers at a distance of 130 km South-East of Delhi on the Delhi Howrah National Railway Track and on the Grand Trunk Road at a latitude is 27 54' N and longitude is 78 05 E. Aligarh Institute of Para-Medical Sciences is one of the study centres of NIMS University, Jaipur
Directorate of Distance Education, Recognized by joint commitee of UGC-AICTE-DEC, Govt. of India.