Adi Nalanda Institute of Hotel Management
DB-87, Sector- 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, West Bengal
2147483647, 2147483647, 0, 0
- Short FormANIHM
- Approved by UGC
- Affiliated toAnnamalai University
"Commitment to excellence", are the three words that best describe the ethos of Adi Nalanda Institute of Hotel Management, Kolkata, Excellence in teaching, professional practice and formation of Hotel managers are the foundation upon which ANIHM is built. Since its inception, ANIHM is on a continuous move to produce good quality students with quality teaching staff, modern practical set-up, well stock library, etc. ANIHM is regisered under Societies Act XXVI of 1961, Govt. Of West Bengal. It is associated with Annamalai University, under UGC, ministry of HRD, Govt. Of India.A.N.I.H.M provides UGC recognized Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree , Diploma and Certification under Ministry of HRD,Govt. of India
Academic Facilities
Educational Tour
Digital Classes
Seats Reservation
Fee Refund Policy
Guest Lectures
Management Q sts
Library Resources
Hi-tech Computer Lab
Hi-Tech Labs
Language Lab
Non-Academic Facilities
Visitors Lounge
Motivational Camps
Annual Meet
Cultural Activities
Online Information
Other Facilities
Water Purifier
Health Center
Emergency Alarm
Yearly Planned Schedule
Power Back
Focus on Spirituality
Tuck Shops
Canteen Provision
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