Anjuman-I-Islam's Dr MIJ Unani Medical College and HARKalsekar Tibbia Hospital
60, Fisheries University Road, Yari Road, Versova, Andheri [W], Mumbai, Maharashtra
2147483647, 0, 0, 0
- Established in1868
- Approved by
- Affiliated toMaharashtra University of Health Sciences
The Unani system of medicine owes, as its name suggests, its origin to Greece It was the Greek philosopher-physician Hippocrates (460-377 BC) who liberated Medicine from the domain of superstition and magic, and gave it the status of Science This system of medicine was traveled from the Greek to Arab, Iran, and India and get fame because of its efficacy and safe smooth action The Hakim Ajmal Khan (1868-1927) revived the days of the Unani system in India The Hindustani Dawakhana balimaran Delhi and the Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbia College Karolbagh New Delhi are the two living examples of his huge contribution in the development of the Indian system of medicine ie Unani Medicine and Ayurveda After that many institutes and research centers have been started which are polishing the Unani system day by day, and now a day a great awareness is developed for this system of medicine Anjuman-i-Islam's Dr MIJ Unani Medical College & HARKalsekar Hospital is one of those modules to promote the Unani system of medicine Dr MIJ Unani Medical College & HARKalsekar Hospital is not only a educational institute but also it is a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment Anjuman-i-Islam's Dr MIJ Unani Medical College & HARKalsekar Hospital is affiliated by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Nashik, and approved &recognized by the Central council of Indian medicine New it is also aided by the Maharashtra State, Mumbai with a intake capacity of 50 students per year for Undergraduate education It has a 7 story building of college and hospital near about 3 acre areas It has best herbal garden having medicinal floras and a big play ground for outdoor sports for boys and girls Indoor games common room and cafeteria is best for students Separate Boys and girls hostel facilities including dining hall and indoor activities The Hospital is well equipped and multi-facilitated it has consistently led game-changing developments by introducing the latest cutting-edge treatments and technology on par with the most renowned health care providers It has a well equipped ICU and NICU, AKD, Maternity, spacious and modernized Operation Theater with C-arm and other facilities Hygienic General ward, HDU, deluxe and super deluxe luxurious rooms are comforting the patient like home care This hospital has a great opportunity for Unani method of treatment along with the allopathic medicine Here we have Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer (Panch karma) a classical method of treatment and many more ancient safe and healthy method of treatment which is difficult to find anywhere
Academic Facilities
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Visitors Lounge
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Motivational Camps
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Other Facilities
Water Purifier
Wi fi Campus
Health Center
AC Classrooms
Tuck Shops
Bank Facility
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Medical | Duration | |
Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery in Unani (Kamil-E-Tibb-O-Jarahat) | 5 Years |